Monday, September 30, 2024

Bringing Emotional Learning to Life: How Systemic SEL Enriches the Classroom—and Your Home Library

Published on Chaos to Connection Blog


When it comes to creating an enriching, nurturing environment for our kids, it’s clear that Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is a powerful tool. CASEL (the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning) has long been a leader in bringing SEL to the forefront, highlighting how it can be integrated systemically within schools. Their recent discussion on Systemic Implementation of SEL in the Classroom provides a pathway to not only introduce SEL but make it thrive across a school community.

In their approach, CASEL emphasizes that SEL should not be a "one-and-done" effort but instead embedded consistently within classroom routines, teaching styles, and learning experiences. Let’s dive into how this systemic approach can play a pivotal role in the emotional growth of young minds—and how my books align with these principles.

What Does Systemic SEL Look Like?

According to CASEL, systemic SEL is about creating an environment where emotional intelligence becomes second nature for students and educators alike. This means:

  • Integrating SEL into Daily Activities: SEL isn’t an isolated part of the curriculum; it’s woven into every lesson. Teachers are encouraged to incorporate mindfulness, empathy, and social awareness throughout the day.
  • Developing Emotional Vocabulary: Teachers and students alike engage in practices that build emotional vocabulary—an essential skill that helps young learners articulate their feelings and understand others.
  • Supportive and Reflective Environment: SEL becomes effective when there’s an atmosphere of trust and reflection. Creating safe spaces for discussion and empathetic exchanges is key.

SEL and My Books: Building Emotional Foundations

This is exactly where my children’s books come in. With Max the Mischievous Monkey Masters Mindfulness, I aimed to support children in learning about their emotions in a playful yet insightful way. Through the adventures of Max, children not only explore their feelings but are introduced to mindfulness in a fun, relatable context.

In alignment with CASEL’s findings:

  • Daily Integration Through Stories: Max the Mischievous Monkey is perfect for integrating SEL into daily classroom routines or story time at home. By reading and discussing Max’s escapades, children learn emotional regulation, which resonates with CASEL's emphasis on consistent integration.
  • Developing Emotional Language: The rhyming structure in the book helps children engage with and remember key emotional concepts, enhancing their emotional vocabulary. Just as CASEL recommends, the story doesn’t shy away from discussing big emotions; instead, it invites children to name and manage them.
  • Supportive Learning Environment: Teachers and parents can use the questions and scenarios presented in the book as a springboard for open discussion. This helps create that safe space, where kids are encouraged to share their own stories, much like CASEL’s model of reflective SEL.

From Chaos to Connection in the Classroom and Beyond

My work, including From Chaos to Connection: A Handbook for Harmony in Today’s Classroom, aligns beautifully with CASEL's systemic approach. This book provides educators with hands-on strategies to integrate emotional intelligence seamlessly into their lessons. CASEL's emphasis on systemic integration is a call to educators: this work isn’t done in isolation, and having practical resources makes it achievable.

By making SEL a natural part of our classrooms and homes, we’re building not only better students but better humans—children who are ready to face the complexities of the world with empathy, resilience, and awareness.

Explore More with CASEL

For those interested in the broader systemic approach that CASEL champions, you can read more about their initiatives and findings here. Their insights are invaluable, whether you’re a parent, teacher, or just a passionate advocate for children's emotional well-being.

What are some ways you’ve integrated SEL in your classrooms or homes? I'd love to hear from you in the comments below—let’s continue to bring these essential skills into the everyday lives of our children.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Join the Adventure with Max the Mischievous Monkey – Our Kickstarter Campaign is Live!


Join the Adventure with Max the Mischievous Monkey – Our Kickstarter Campaign is Live!

Hey there, wonderful readers!

I’m beyond excited to share some amazing news with you all. My Kickstarter campaign for "Max the Mischievous Monkey Masters Mindfulness" is officially live! 🎉 This project has been a labor of love, inspired by my own mischievous but oh-so-lovable capuchin monkey, Max. Through his playful adventures, Max helps children learn the valuable skill of mindfulness, making emotional education both fun and engaging.

Why Mindfulness?

In today's fast-paced world, teaching children how to manage their emotions and stay present is more important than ever. "Max the Mischievous Monkey Masters Mindfulness" is designed to be a fun and educational tool for parents, teachers, and caregivers to help young minds navigate their feelings and develop emotional intelligence. With catchy rhymes and colorful illustrations, this book is perfect for classroom use or bedtime reading.

How You Can Help

Bringing this book to life requires a little help from our community, and that's where you come in! By supporting our Kickstarter campaign, you're not just helping to print copies of the book – you're joining a movement to bring mindfulness and emotional well-being to children everywhere. We've got some fantastic rewards lined up, from digital copies of the book to signed hardcovers and special classroom bundles.

Link to Max the Mischievous Monkey Masters Mindfulness Kickstarter 

Support Our Friends Too!

While you’re checking out our campaign, I’d also love for you to take a look at another fantastic project: "Penny Panda and the Emotion Ninjas." This incredible book series also focuses on emotional education for kids, featuring Penny Panda and her ninja friends as they tackle big feelings and learn valuable life skills. It’s a perfect complement to Max’s adventures, and I’m thrilled to support their campaign as well.

Link to Penny Panda and the Emotion Ninjas Kickstarter

Join the Fun!

If you believe in the power of mindfulness and want to help spread emotional intelligence to young minds, please consider backing our Kickstarter campaign. Every pledge, share, and kind word makes a huge difference. Let’s make this world a little brighter, one mindful monkey (and panda) at a time!

Thank you for your support, and don’t forget to spread the word!

In Kindness,

Holly Clark

Monday, November 27, 2023

The EQ Equation: How Emotional Intelligence Unlocks a Happier Classroom

     Welcome to the delightful realm of teaching with a twist, where the key to a harmonious classroom is nestled within the power of emotional intelligence (EQ). Forget the incense and the mood rings; let's talk about the real magic that happens when a teacher harnesses the power of EQ. It’s not about being a mystical guru; it's about being a real-world superhero for our kids. So, let’s dive into how boosting your EQ can ease your life, brighten your classroom, and provide transformative examples for your students.

The High-EQ Classroom: A Symphony of Smiles In the high-EQ classroom, you won't find Ms. Serenity floating on a cloud of Zen, but you will find Mrs. Smart, with her feet firmly on the ground and a toolkit of emotional smarts.

  1. The Laughing Lesson Plan: Mrs. Smart knows that laughter is the best way to learn. Her lessons are peppered with puns and playful challenges that make even the Pythagorean theorem feel like a party trick.

  2. The OOPS (Outstanding Opportunities for Problem Solving) Box: Mistakes? No problem! The OOPS box is where "errors" go to become teaching moments, not embarrassments, fostering a growth mindset.

  3. The Compliment Train: All aboard! This train makes stops at Kindness Station, where students leave sticky notes of genuine compliments on each other’s desks.



The Classroom of Emotional Guesswork: A Little Less Shine On the other end of the spectrum, we have Mr. Rough, whose idea of EQ is asking if E stands for "Enough" and Q for "Quiet." But let's imagine if Mr. Rough decided to raise his EQ game.

  1. The Mood Meter Check-In: Gone are the days of guessing moods. Mr. Rough now starts the day with a mood meter check-in, offering a safe space for students to express their feelings and set a positive tone for the day.

  2. The Empathy Engine: Instead of his old "suck it up" speech, Mr. Rough now drives the Empathy Engine, where students learn to understand and respect different perspectives, powering up classroom camaraderie.

The Transformation: As Mrs. Smart illustrates daily, a high-EQ teacher doesn’t need a magic wand—just a good set of listening ears and the willingness to meet students where they are. She creates a space where kids feel heard, supported, and eager to engage.

Mr. Rough, inspired by his high-EQ counterpart, begins to see a shift in his own classroom. Where there once was tension, there’s now a sense of ease. Where confusion once reigned, clarity now blossoms.

    Raising your EQ isn’t about becoming someone you’re not; it’s about enhancing who you already are. It’s the little shifts—like listening actively, managing your own emotions, and showing empathy—that can turn your classroom into a brighter, lighter, and downright happier place.

For Mrs. Smart, high EQ is just part of the job description. And for Mr. Rough? It’s the new secret weapon. Both their classrooms become life-changing arenas—not through grand gestures, but through everyday interactions that teach kids the power of emotional intelligence.

So, let's toast (with our after-school coffee mugs) to the everyday heroes in education. By raising their EQ, they’re not just teaching—they’re transforming lives one emotion-savvy moment at a time. And not a crystal in sight—just the sparkle of a happier classroom.

Monday, November 20, 2023

Navigating Emotions: 20 Creative Ways to Integrate an Emotion Wheel into Elementary Education


**Links to resources are affiliate links.

 Emotional intelligence is just as critical as academic knowledge in the formative years of a child's education. One of the most engaging tools to teach young learners about emotions is the Emotion Wheel—a colorful and interactive resource that helps children identify and express their feelings. Here are 20 innovative ways to incorporate an Emotion Wheel into the elementary classroom, fostering a more empathetic and emotionally aware generation.

  1. Morning Check-In: Start each day with a morning check-in using the Emotion Wheel. Allow each student to pinpoint how they’re feeling and share it with the class if they’re comfortable.

  2. Story Time Insights: After reading a story, ask children to use the Emotion Wheel to identify what the characters might be feeling at various points in the narrative.

  3. Conflict Resolution: When conflicts arise, bring out the Emotion Wheel. It can help students articulate their feelings and understand the emotions of their peers during mediation.

  4. Journaling Journeys: Encourage students to keep a journal where they draw or write about the emotion they've selected from the wheel and why they feel that way.

  5. Emotional Charades: Play a game of charades where children act out an emotion from the wheel and have classmates guess what it is, promoting empathy and emotional understanding.

  6. Artistic Expression: Combine art and emotional learning by having students create artwork based on an emotion they’ve spun on the wheel.

  7. Music and Moods: Play different genres of music and ask students to spin the wheel to decide which emotion matches the music best, fostering an association between feelings and sounds.

  8. Role-Play Scenarios: Use the Emotion Wheel during role-play activities to help students think about how they would react in various situations.

  9. Emotion Wheel Storyboard: Create a storyboard or comic strip where children pick emotions from the wheel for their characters as the plot progresses.

  10. Weather Report: Have a daily "emotional weather report," where students describe their current emotional state with weather terms (sunny, stormy, calm, etc.) using the wheel as a guide.

  11. Buddy System: Pair students up to discuss their chosen emotion from the wheel and why they feel that way, promoting dialogue and connection.

  12. Emotion Wheel Hopscotch: Turn the Emotion Wheel into a hopscotch game where students jump on the emotion they're feeling and explain it.

  13. Group Discussions: Use the wheel to initiate group discussions about different emotions, why people feel them, and appropriate ways to express them.

  14. Language Arts Connection: Incorporate the Emotion Wheel into vocabulary lessons, helping students find new words to describe their feelings.

  15. Mindfulness Moments: During quiet time or mindfulness practice, let students reflect on their emotions by looking at the wheel and thinking about their current state.

  16. Emotion Detective: Have students observe others (in pictures, videos, or real life) and use the wheel to infer what emotions are being experienced.

  17. Peer Teaching: Older students can use the Emotion Wheel to teach younger students about emotions, reinforcing their own understanding and practicing leadership.

  18. Digital Diary: Use apps or digital platforms where students can select their emotional state using an online version of the wheel and track changes over time.

  19. Emotional Growth Chart: Create a classroom chart where students can "plot" their emotional journey over the school year, using colors and words from the Emotion Wheel.

  20. Empathy Exercises: Discuss global events or historical moments and use the Emotion Wheel to explore how the people involved might have felt.

The Emotion Wheel is more than just a tool; it's a passport to self-awareness and empathy for young learners. By integrating it into everyday classroom activities, educators can help students become more attuned to their own emotions and the feelings of others. These 20 strategies provide a roadmap for teachers to cultivate an emotionally intelligent classroom environment, where every student has the opportunity to understand and manage their emotions constructively.

Unlocking the Heart of Learning: The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Education

Hello, passionate educators and lifelong learners!

Today, I want to explore a critical, yet often undervalued, aspect of education that has the potential to transform our classrooms into thriving hubs of growth, empathy, and understanding—emotional intelligence (EI).

In the rush to cover curriculums and prepare students for tests, it's easy to overlook the emotional undercurrents that significantly influence learning environments. Yet, it's precisely these currents that can either sweep students towards success or pull them into a riptide of disengagement and frustration.

Emotional intelligence in the classroom is about recognizing these undercurrents, navigating them, and using them to foster a learning experience that prepares students not just academically, but socially and emotionally for the world ahead.

Why does this matter? Because students with high EI are shown to have better focus, more effective conflict resolution skills, and a greater capacity to handle stress. Moreover, classrooms that prioritize emotional intelligence report fewer behavioral issues and a more inclusive atmosphere.

But how do we bridge the gap between understanding the importance of EI and actually implementing strategies that work? This question led me on a quest to seek out real, actionable methods that can be woven into the very fabric of daily teaching practices.

I'm thrilled to announce the fruit of this journey, my new book: "From Chaos to Connection: A Handbook for Harmony in Today’s Classroom - Elementary Edition." Within its pages lies not just the 'why' of emotional intelligence but the 'how,' broken down into achievable steps, or 'Class Actions,' at the end of each chapter.

Whether it's about setting clear boundaries, creating a motivating reward system, addressing emotional regulation, or enhancing communication skills, this book is a treasure trove of insights. It's a clarion call to shift our focus from merely controlling classrooms to deeply connecting with our students, creating a culture that champions emotional wellness alongside academic achievement​


As teachers, you hold a powerful position to influence this transformative change. It won't be easy, but I assure you, it will be one of the most rewarding endeavors you undertake. So, are you ready to plant the seeds for a brighter future?

Let's embark on this transformative journey together. Grab your copy of "From Chaos to Connection" and join a growing movement of educators who are reshaping the landscape of education, one emotionally intelligent interaction at a time.

Here's to nurturing the hearts and minds of our future generation!


Bringing Emotional Learning to Life: How Systemic SEL Enriches the Classroom—and Your Home Library

Published on Chaos to Connection Blog   When it comes to creating an enriching, nurturing environment for our kids, it’s clear that Socia...